Lauren Culler
Hendersonville , NC, US,
Average sizes and life expectancy
Miniature Poodle
Height | 10-15″ |
Weight | 10-15lbs |
Life Expectancy | 10-18y |
Toy Poodle
Height | <10″ |
Weight | 4-7lbs |
Life Expectancy | 10-18y |
Family Life
- Good with family
- Good with young children
- Good with other dogs - 60%
- Shedding level - 20%
- Coat grooming frequency - 80%
- Drooling level - 20%
Coat Type | Curly |
Coat Length | Long |
- Openness to strangers - 100%
- Playfulness level - 100%
- Protective nature - 60%
- Adaptability level - 80%
- Trainability level - 100%
- Energy level - 80%
- Barking level - 80%
- Mental stimulation needs - 100%